Top 10 movies for entrepreneurs

While goofing off watching cable, a great entrepreneurial movie came on – it reminded me of life in a cubicle. So here’s the startup blog top 10.   

  1. (great documentary)
  2. Pirates of Silicon Valley (cheesy but insightful)
  3. Office Space (the motivation to escape)
  4. Fight Club (bootstrapping, viral marketing)
  5. The Corporation (don’t act like ‘em)
  6. 7 up Series (life’s journey, dreams & failure)
  7. Prison Break (strategy, contingency, alliances) only TV exception!
  8. Jerry McGuire (the courage needed)
  9. Wall Street (the game – politics of money)
  10.  readers choice…

Feel free to add what number 10 should be in comments.

(in case your wondering the movie was Office Space)


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