
0. The preferred capital amount for any start up business.

Try leveraging human capital instead. You can still build a global brand, you can still get scale and you can still achieve automation. You can still achieve 4.

If we had known the challenges of raising capital (yes we got it, and yes we learnt much), beforehand we may have come up a different concept.

Capital costs you time and reduce your return on investment. If your new start up doesn’t cost you anything (or very little) to get off the ground, you’ve got less to lose, and it removes financial excuses.

Consider zero, or find a way to move closer to it before you start.

3 thoughts on “Zero

  1. I wreckon it should be 0 Physical capital as you cannot understimate the value of your time. many would-be entrpreneurs fall into the trap of believing their time is an unlimited resource with no opportunity cost.

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